

Kate Fletcher
Renowned CEO coach and leader, leveraging 20+ years of global executive experience and a vibrant track record in CEO peer groups, to empower business leaders towards breakthrough success and growth.

Courage Kate Fletcher Courage Kate Fletcher

Illuminating Leadership: The Role of Courage in Dark Times

In the ever-evolving landscape of leadership, courage isn’t just a trait—it’s the essence that bridges the gap between light and dark, strength and vulnerability. Seven years ago, I found myself standing on the edge of a precipice—my marriage had unravelled, I had two young, beautiful dependent children in tow, my career path was murky, and many of the relationships I once cherished felt more toxic than supportive.

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Curiosity Kate Fletcher Curiosity Kate Fletcher

The DNA of Innovation: Building a Future-Ready Business

I've been working with some incredibly innovative leaders lately, and it's clear that innovation isn't just a buzzword, it's the heartbeat of any business that's aiming for greatness. But here's the thing: for innovation to really make a difference, it needs to be embedded into the very core of your company. Think of it as part of the DNA, driving everything from your team's mindset to your everyday operations.

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Clarity Kate Fletcher Clarity Kate Fletcher

Navigating the Uncharted: Leading Beyond the Rulebook

As a sailor at heart, the metaphor of navigation resonates deeply with me, mirroring the often-unpredictable macro environment in which we lead. Change is not just a constant; it accelerates at a breakneck pace, demanding leadership as dynamic as markets themselves.

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Courage Kate Fletcher Courage Kate Fletcher

Overcoming Imposter Syndrome - A CEO’s Guide

You hear a whisper, “Are you truly qualified?" This is the echo of imposter syndrome, and it’s far more common than you might think. Imposter Syndrome isn’t selective; it knocks on the doors of the boardroom just as often as anywhere else.

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Change Kate Fletcher Change Kate Fletcher

Harnessing the Energy to Lead Change

Embark on an adventure that redefines leadership, where your energy ignites transformative change and propels you to navigate the uncharted territories of the business world with courage and vision.

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