Joining FutureMakers is about making a strategic move to surround yourself with peers who are as driven and insightful as you are. We handpick leaders with diverse experiences but a common drive for success to ensure meaningful exchange and support.

Our discussions zero in on the real issues you face both daily and more strategically, offering practical solutions you can use right away to see real results. We guarantee confidentiality, so you can share and tackle tough challenges with confidence.

Meetings are streamlined — we respect your time and focus on what provides real value. It’s not just networking; it’s about forming lasting alliances with peers who provide the critical challenge and support necessary for navigating leadership complexities.

FutureMakers equips you with resources for continuous improvement, positioning you at the forefront of industry leadership and innovation.

Why choose a FutureMakers Peer Group?

Our members are typically visionaries who are not afraid to challenge the status quo and are actively seeking new ideas and perspectives. These leaders come from various industries, bringing a wealth of experience and knowledge that enriches our discussions. They are CEOs leading their respective organizations, from dynamic small businesses, scale ups and established companies. They span a breadth of sectors and industries including technology, science, manufacturing & industry 4, renewable energy, creative sectors and beyond. They share a common drive to innovate, disrupt, and scale their businesses.

Members are committed to their own growth as well as to the collective development of the group. They are open-minded, eager to share their insights, and ready to support their peers. They understand the power of collective intelligence and are prepared to contribute as much as they gain.

What’s the typical profile of members in the groups?

What are the core values and guiding principles?

FutureMakers is founded on practical values and principles that shape our active, supportive, and growth-oriented CEO community.

Collaborative Excellence

We believe that the collective intelligence of a group far exceeds that of any individual. Our members bring diverse perspectives and experiences, fostering a collaborative environment where challenges are tackled with combined expertise and creativity.

Integrity and Trust 

Every interaction within the group is grounded in unwavering integrity and trust. We create a confidential space where CEOs can be vulnerable in sharing their challenges, knowing that the group's support is sincere and discreet.

Continuous Innovation 

In a rapidly evolving business landscape, stagnation is not an option. Our members are committed to constant learning and innovation, ensuring that the group is always at the forefront of business trends and practices.


We hold each other accountable, not just for participation but for the pursuit of personal and professional growth. This collective accountability propels members to take the necessary actions to achieve their goals.

Impactful Leadership

The group exists to develop leaders who make a positive, lasting impact. We focus on equipping our members with the insights and tools to drive meaningful change within their organizations and communities.

Mutual Respect

We cultivate an environment of mutual respect, where differing opinions are not just tolerated, but valued. This respect forms the foundation for open, honest, and productive dialogues.

These values and principles guide our membership, our discussions, and our shared approach towards influencing the future.

Our CEO peer group selection is structured, ensuring new members align with our high-impact ethos. It starts with a discovery call to discuss your leadership style, business acumen, and readiness for deep collaboration. We’re after CEOs who are innovators with a vision, eager for shared growth.

In personalised interviews, we dive deeper, exploring your business outlook, team dynamics, and industry challenges. It's not just about what you lead but how you lead; we look for leaders who can enrich our forums with their insights and active engagement.

We value diversity, aiming to blend various industries and backgrounds to spark unexpected insights. Prospective members also meet current ones to gauge compatibility and confirm a mutual fit.

Finally, our selection is ongoing; we regularly review group dynamics to ensure continued relevance and value. Only then do we extend invitations to join, curating a group of visionary CEOs committed to driving success collectively.

What is the selection process for FutureMakers?

How will I know whether this is a good fit for me and vice versa?

Finding the right fit in a CEO peer group is essential, both for your own development and for the collective benefit of the group. At FutureMakers, we believe that fit can be assessed through a combination of self-reflection, mutual evaluation, and first-hand experience.


Consider your own goals, challenges, and the type of environment you thrive in. Are you seeking diverse perspectives? Do you value confidentiality and trust? Reflecting on what you need and what you can offer is the first step.

Initial Consultation

Engage in a one-on-one consultation with FutureMakers. This discussion will help us understand your objectives and determine how the group's structure and culture might align with your needs. It will also help us to assess the group with the right fit for you.

Evaluating Member Dynamics

Consider whether existing members challenge and inspire you, and whether you feel you can do the same for them. The best peer groups are those where members push each other towards excellence.

Check for Diversity

A good fit often means a diverse set of viewpoints and experiences. Ensure that the group is not an echo chamber but a place where constructive differences lead to better decision-making.


Discuss your experiences with us. We are open to feedback and will endeavour to facilitate change to ensure the individual and collective experience is very high value.

Ultimately, you'll know the group is a good fit if you leave sessions feeling energised, with fresh insights and actionable ideas, and a sense of genuine peer accountability. The right group should feel like a strategic ally.

How often does the peer group meet, and what’s the format of these meetings?

FutureMakers peer groups convene monthly for dynamic sessions tailored to the strategic and immediate needs of our members. These meetings are designed to tackle both the pressing issues at hand and the forward-thinking topics crucial to a CEO's success. Expect a format that's as varied and vibrant as the challenges and opportunities you face, ensuring that every gathering is directly relevant and impactful to your leadership journey.

What topics are typically discussed during meetings, and how are these topics selected?

At FutureMakers CEO peer group meetings, our discussions centre on current and future business landscapes, led by the chair in collaboration with members on topics as varied and rich as the leaders who compose our group. Every month, we dive into subjects that matter deeply to our members and their industries. The result is a vibrant, member-driven dialogue that doesn't just follow trends — it sets them.

Topics Include:

  • Innovation and Disruption: Exploring cutting-edge technologies, business models, and the next wave of innovation that will transform industries.

  • Leadership in Times of Change: Strategies for leading effectively through uncertainty, from global market shifts to internal organisational changes.

  • Sustainability and Social Impact: How businesses can drive profits while positively impacting the environment and society. Many of our members are b corps.

  • Digital Transformation: Best practices for leveraging digital tools to enhance customer experience, operations and competitive advantage.

  • Global Market Trends: Insights into emerging markets, economic forecasts, and navigating global complexities.

  • CEO Effectiveness: Enhancing personal leadership skills, from communication influencing and negotiation to work-life balance and resilience.

  • Crisis Management: Preparing for and responding to crises, whether they be financial, technological, or reputational.

  • Growth and Scaling Strategies: Tactics for growing and scaling businesses sustainably and effectively.

  • Health and Wellbeing: Addressing the holistic wellbeing of leaders and their teams, recognising that a healthy organization starts at the top.

What additional resources or support do you provide outside of regular peer group meetings?

Outside of our structured peer group meetings and private 1:1 coaching, FutureMakers provides a wealth of resources and support designed to keep members engaged, informed, and supported throughout their leadership path.

  • Ongoing Learning Material: We provide access to a curated selection of reading materials, articles, and research papers to keep members informed of the latest trends, strategies, and best practices in business leadership.

  • Online Community Access: Members are given access to a private online platform. This space allows for continued dialogue, support, and sharing of resources between meetings, ensuring the conversation and collaboration never stops.

  • Emergency Support: Recognising the volatile nature of leadership, we offer emergency support for members facing immediate and critical challenges. This can take the form of ad hoc calls with peers or urgent sessions with a coach.

  • Speaker Sessions: We frequently invite guest speakers and industry experts to provide fresh perspectives and specialised knowledge on a wide array of topics, available exclusively to our members.

  • Annual Retreats: An annual retreat is organised to give members an opportunity to reflect on their growth, strategize for the future, and bond with their peers in a different setting.

How do you measure the effectiveness and impact of discussions and activities on members' growth and success?

At FutureMakers, we measure our impact practically: through immediate post-meeting feedback for swift improvements, quarterly tracking of members' strategic goals, regular checks against set success metrics, and a comprehensive annual review to ensure tangible professional and personal advancement from our group activities.

What confidentiality measures are in place to ensure sensitive information shared within the group remains private?

In FutureMakers CEO peer groups, we deeply value the confidentiality of the information shared by our members. We are committed to creating a secure environment where open dialogue can occur without hesitation. To this end, we have implemented several measures:

Membership Contract

Each member is required to sign a membership contract before joining the group. This agreement ensures that all discussions that take place within the group setting remain confidential.

Strict Admission Criteria

Membership is granted only after a thorough vetting process, ensuring that every member understands the importance of discretion and the sanctity of the shared space.

Facilitated Discussions

Meetings are led by experienced facilitators who are trained to guide conversations in a way that respects sensitive information while ensuring valuable exchange.

Regular Reminder

At the beginning of each meeting, the importance of confidentiality is reiterated as a reminder of the collective commitment to privacy.

Secure Communication Channels

We utilise encrypted communication platforms for all digital interactions related to the peer group to prevent unauthorised access to information.

What’s the commitment level and expectations from each member?

FutureMakers expects a commitment to monthly meetings and private coaching for in-depth strategy and personal growth, active engagement in peer discussions, open sharing for collective learning, and strict confidentiality to maintain trust—all essential for the substantial personal and professional rewards our dedicated members achieve.

What is the business model and tie in period?

FutureMakers is a strategic investment in your business and your leadership, beginning with a quarterly commitment that opens the door to enduring growth. The upfront fee initiates a cycle of continuous development, laying the groundwork for the long-term advancement we envision for our members. 

Join FutureMakers with a vision for the long term. Each quarter’s commitment is just the beginning, setting the stage for an ongoing collaboration. Here, the insights you gain are cumulative, contributing to solid, real-world results that not only enhance your current leadership but also shape your enduring legacy.